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  Bending Lights and Active High Beam
Posted by: mamous - 02-02-2023, 06:58 PM - Forum: Lights - Replies (70)

I'm posting this for both features Bending Lights (256) and Active High Beam (109) if anyone is interested and his car currently have the hardware.
My car is MY21 XC60 T8

My original settings are
106 HEADLIGHTS TYPE - 0B LED, with Bending Light, Type A, with HCM US/CND High Range
109 ACTIVE HIGH BEAM - 03 With AHB1 (On/Off), High Beam in Small Village
256 BENDING LIGHT - 02 With Bending Light

Here is what I changed and the results:
256 BENDING LIGHT - 03 With Bending Light in High and Low Beam
Before my car would have the bendy light feature on low beam and if the high beam comes on from the AHB1 or manually it would not bend, changing this to 03 it allowed the lights to bend even when the High beam is on.

109 ACTIVE HIGH BEAM  - 05 With AHB2 (Adaptive), High Beam in Small Village
After enabling this I got the cool "Shadow Technology" feature working, you can definitely see the headlights moving and switching on / off by zones the only thing so far maybe another setting or maybe that's how they are designed, it doesn't work on major freeways and when it does on other roads if you exceed 75 mph it won't work.

Glad to hear any suggestions or finding about this as well

Thank you Smile

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  Battery Chargers
Posted by: BeachBoy - 02-02-2023, 05:17 PM - Forum: Car Connectivity - Replies (31)

Volvo recommends a 55 AMP charger while working on the car. Although not using one or a simple trickle charger can work for quick updates, it is better to keep the car connecter to a high-capacity charger for extended work. Many users have been using Vida extensively with a 20 Amp charger so that is likely a more affordable options.

Here are some options found using Google

55 Amp $195: https://www.amazon.com/DLS-55-AUTOMATIC-...B0074JVO0A
45 Amp $187: https://www.amazon.com/Iota-DLS-45-Autom...B0074JVN3S
30 Amp w/ Alt check $119: https://www.homedepot.com/p/DEWALT-30-Am.../313553311
30 Amp $100: https://www.homedepot.com/p/DEWALT-30-Am.../300385140
2/10/40/200A + Jump-Start $150: https://www.harborfreight.com/21040200a-...63423.html
20 Amp $55 (many brands on Amazon): https://www.amazon.com/Lead-Acid-Portabl...09ZLD6RJ5/
15 Amp $70: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Vector-15-Am.../313803267

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  Coded yesterday, reverted to OEM, and got the polestar tune today
Posted by: kraeburn - 02-02-2023, 05:01 PM - Forum: Misc - Replies (13)

Might be the first to experience this and wanted to add a data point of sorts.

Coded yesterday and did a bunch of stuff but still dialing things in.  Was a little concerned doing this the day before the dealer would have the car but reverted it back to OEM and drove right to the dealer.  They did the polestar tune on my car and an oil change, not a single issue.  Going to revert back to my coded settings later this afternoon.

I thought this might help knowing that I was successfully able to code/revert and the dealer was unaware of my shenanigans.  This was my primary concern with coding this car as my warranty being unaffected is very important to me.

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  Enabling Pilot Assist and Adaptive Cruise Control
Posted by: Power6 - 02-02-2023, 04:37 PM - Forum: Safety - Replies (283)

**UPDATED Aug 2023**

So you want to have Pilot Assist and Adaptive Cruise Control on your Volvo, not originally equipped? You can enable it with OrBit, the system uses software and equipment already in your car!(**)

Welcome to the NEW "How to enable ACC/PA" post! With the release of OrBit v0.7.7 this process has been made easier with the Config Presets. The Config Presets allow you to more easily change settings that require multiple individual settings to be changed. Enabling Pilot Assist and Adaptive Cruise Control has been one of those features that requires multiple settings. In addition to that, it has not been clear what "level" of each setting you should use.

I did a ton of research into which model years, which equipment etc. does Volvo use. To answer the question: "If my car had PA/ACC from the factory, what settings would it use?" Now OrBit can use information from the car itself, to set the right settings for PA/ACC for your car. First the basics, then I will explain the different options and why there are different options...

The basics of using the Config Presets for PA/ACC:

  • On the configurator tab, click the "Config Presets" button.
  • Choose an option from the drop down, from the range of "Cruise Control" settings (A good start is "Cruise Control - PA/ACC - Level 1")
  • Click "Apply Preset" button to apply the suggested Items to the configurator table
  • Close the Config Presets dialog
  • "Write to car" as usual


OrBit will essentially set the following items for you, to the best values for your car. You do not have to worry about whether you need to set "top damping" for brakes or what level of Traffic Jam Assist. OrBit will choose the right values that your model/year/drivetrain would have, if it was equipped with PA/ACC.

I know at this point you will have questions ;-) I have some answers...

Why the different "Levels" and "Curve Speed Assist"? - I found these settings are not based on technical capability, they vary based on the region of the car, the market is was destined for. The differences in settings may be to meet regulations or legal liability issues per country. Since OrBit allows you to choose freely what you like to enable, you have the option to set these how you like! I can tell you what I discovered through research.

"Level 1" vs "Level 2" - I don't know what the technical difference is. All I know is Japan market cars get "Level 2" and all other markets get "Level 1". If you figure out the difference, let us all know!

What about "Level 3"? - I haven't found any Volvos with PA that use that setting from the factory.

Curve Speed Support - This is a feature enabled only in some markets, Curve Speed Assist enabled. It seems to be based on whether the tech in the car supports estimating an appropriate curve speed per the region of the car. I found some information about this that may or may not be reliable: In Eastern Europe and perhaps some of Western Europe, the data to estimate proper curve speed comes directly from map data. In other parts of Europe and in North America, the system uses "Electronic Horizon" technology, which estimates proper curve speeds by analyzing the nav map data and doing some calculations. This feature seems hit or miss for most that try it. No harm in giving it a try see if it does anything for you!

What about Curve Speed Warning? - No Volvo I've found has this enabled from the factory. They only use the Curve Speed Assist with no warning. Maybe they planned this feature but never implemented it.

Traffic Jam Assist levels - These follow the systems and hardware in the car. OrBit will pick the correct one for your car. 

What about Item 314 - Adaptive Cruise Control Version? - I'd leave this alone, it describes the system that is in the car, whether it has PA/ACC from the factory or not, that doesn't change. Most all SPA are "ACC Version 1" with some of the latest cars coming with "ACC Version 2". No Volvos are using versions 3 and 4 that I found.

Can I change the settings to other ones? Yes, go right ahead! I just wanted to give you an easy way to set the "correct" settings on your car, the Config Presets give you that. You are welcome to play around with your car.

There are some other related settings I'll share my experiences (2019 S60 T6 R-Design)

149 ROAD SIGN INFORMATION - I've changed this to version "with SLA" to support Curve speed assist but I am not sure that has any effect where the North American market car would use Electronic Horizon.
155 SPEED WARNING - Disabled on my car original, I have enabled, this works
312 LANE CHANGE ASSIST - I'm not sure if this works on my own car, the feature from Volvo is not what you might think. It simply "speeds up" the car when you put the signal on to change lanes, while you are following another car with the PA/ACC set. It doesn't change lanes for you or anything fancy like that. 

(** )Volvo offers or has offered the "Intellisafe Assist" accessory for cars without PA to get it. On non-hybrid cars, they require a new ABS pump unit to be installed. It seems that a different unit was needed for the non-hybrid cars to have Pilot Assist. Not too much is known, other than this may be the unit with "top damping" we see in config. At any rate, while the software is there, and you can enable PA on an ICE model...Volvo doesn't support that without the ABS pump swap. We know it does work and has been fairly common to do, no known issue, but you should know it's AT YOUR OWN RISK! Personally I don't mind, I was curious about PA/ACC so enabled it, but I don't use it very much anyways

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  ECM Unlock for Denso/Freescale ECM
Posted by: silo24 - 02-02-2023, 04:05 PM - Forum: Engine / Transmission - Replies (30)

So, after much searching, the internet has let me down.....as yet, there is no tuner out there who can remap post 2019 cars with the Denso/Freescale ECM.

Sometime in 2019 Volvo moved to a newer processor architecture on their ECM's, meaning that the traditional unlock methods won't work. This new architecture is either referred to as EEA or 'the freescale' platform.

As these ECM's cannot be unlocked, they are closed to aftermarket remapping.....so who wants to help me figure out how we can enable this?

Shall we play a game?  Big Grin

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  DIY CEM (and VGM) PIN Retrieval for Volvo and Polestar
Posted by: Power6 - 02-02-2023, 02:42 PM - Forum: OrBit FAQs - Replies (63)

If you want to change configuration on your Volvo, you need to have the "CEM PIN" for your car, and if you have an Android Auto based Polestar or Volvo (aka an "iCup" car) you also need the "VGM PIN" for the car. PINs are something like passwords to access modules. Like all modern cars, the manufacturer doesn't want you to make changes, so there are various security features throughout the car to prevent that. There are dozens of PINs for each car. We are only interested in the specific PINs to make configuration changes to the car for this procedure.

We currently offer the PIN service as an easy way to get the PIN(s) you need. But it is possible to get PINs yourself for your car, or PINs for any Volvo or Polestar. OrBit has tools built in to help. First you must gather some information from the official diagnostic software, VIDA. Essentially what you do is make VIDA use the secret PIN on your car and record it, then use OrBit to 'crack' the PIN from that information.

Here's what you will need to do that:

  • Access to Volvo or Polestar VIDA
  • Access to the local computer running VIDA, will need to be able to install Wireshark on it)
  • Ability to order "configuration test" software in VIDA
  • VIDA must be connected to the car with wired connection (no dealer WiFi)
  • VOE Cable to connect to the car (or equivalent, same as what you would use with OrBit)

Thanks to right-to-repair law in a single US state (Go Massachusetts Smile ), consumers in North America (NA) are able to buy a subscription to VIDA at volvotechinfo.com (or polestartechhub.com for Polestar). If you are set up with a Windows laptop and cable for OrBit, the same setup will work for VIDA. Outside North America, VIDA software is not available to consumers, making access to VIDA much more difficult. There have been many workarounds for this, which is not part of this discussion but creative solutions are out there to get to VIDA outside NA. 

This post is not a VIDA DIY, that's a whole other topic! We'll assume you have a subscription set up, or a friendly mechanic with VIDA, and you are able to navigate connecting the car and purchasing software. It can be tricky the first time through to know how the system works.

STEP 1 - Capture software install from VIDA
  • Open VIDA and log in

  • Open Wireshark, go to Capture menu, click "Start"
  • Connect to the car in VIDA
  • In VIDA order a "configuration test" for your car (this is cheap, just $0.01!)
  • Once ordered, you can retrieve the order in VIDA, to get it ready for install
  • Install the software in VIDA, wait until it is complete
  • In Wireshark, go to Capture menu, click "Stop"
  • Got to the File menu, click "Save As..."
  • Save the capture file (as a "pcapng" file type)
  • If this is not the same computer you will run OrBit on, save the pcapng somewhere you can get to it later (cloud service) or take it with you (USB stick)

STEP 2 - Crack the PIN with OrBit
  • Open OrBit, and log in
  • Go to "Expert Toolbox" tab
  • Click the "PIN Finder" button
  • Choose the pcapng capture file from Step 1
  • Wait for OrBit to do the magic! It can take up to a minute, maybe longer for really slow laptop...
  • If the pcapng file contains PIN information (including CEM/VGM PINs), OrBit will output the PINs found in the PIN finder report
  • You can save the PIN(s) report for safe keeping. If your car is currently connected, OrBit will prompt you to save the PINs in the profile.
  • If your car is not connected, you can later paste the PIN(s) into the "Add CEM PIN" and "Add VGM PIN" dialogs opened with the buttons on the Shortcuts tab in OrBit, while you are connected to your car. 

Enjoy exploring and modifying config with OrBit! I'd like to note here, unlike "other" software, OrBit reflects my belief that *you* own your car, so always the PINs that you get, are given to you, to use however you like! You can take them and use them with any other Volvo software, make your own software or tools, whatever. We don't borrow them from Volvo then lock them up in our own proprietary system. Just wanted to get that off my chest lol ;-) Enjoy!

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