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Active Radiator Shutters - anyone done it? |
Posted by: tardeaux - Yesterday, 09:19 PM - Forum: Retrofitting
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I'm going to be tearing my front end apart soon here to replace a failed headlight sprayer. While I'm in there, and while I'm noticing how much my car is suffering in -18C temps, I'm wondering how feasible adding the active radiator shutters would be. This is an uncommon (unheard of?) feature on US XC60s, but seems to be common elsewhere.
I've found what I believe to be the upper shutter assembly with P/N 32345497 - but I can't tell what this actually includes or good confirmation that hybrid/non-hybrid use the same parts. None of the listings I've found have a good picture to see if the motor is attached to this assembly, or if it might be a separate item. It doesn't look like the XC60 has a lower shutter set, though I could be wrong. Then there's question of mounting hardware....
Unfortunately, the diagrams on the parts sites don't include legends of the other items in the same diagram, and don't seem to include the electronics/wiring.
Does anyone happen to have these diagrams from their time with Vida, or better yet - experience doing the install?
Specifically, this will be a 2022(early) XC60 T8.
Which options should you enable? |
Posted by: hottt - Yesterday, 08:23 AM - Forum: Retrofitting
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Which options should be enabled to:
- change front MID lights from US to EU
- activate driving assistant?
I have the momentum version with regular cruise control.
Posted by: Max_C29 - Yesterday, 02:24 AM - Forum: Engine / Transmission
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Do somebody have the SBL/VBF Files? I wanted to read the ECU Data on my S90 2021 B5 to change the Boost a Little Bit, but I Need the files
Greetings from Germany
Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Wiring info - upgrading seats on V60 (may be useful for others) |
Posted by: Power6 - 01-20-2025, 10:42 PM - Forum: Retrofitting
- Replies (3)
I pulled some information for guidance out of service information for upgrading seats on a V60, from power but unheated seats, to heat/ventilated/massage seats. The information is specific to the V60 I checked on, but many things are universal in the SPA models, so I think this may be useful for others as a guide with some visual help. As many of you probably know...pulling information out of VIDA for these type of projects, can be tedious and complicated ;-)
As far as I can see, when upgrading the seats:
- It's easiest to swap seats with the modules and intact wiring harness inside the seats (otherwise you have to work all those parts out on your own)
- You need to check and see that some wiring is present in the car to support the extra features. If you don't have heated seats already, you need to see that the power for the SHMs (Seat heater modules) is supplied at the seat plug, or add it if needed. (they are supplied separately from the PSMs seat modules)
- When adding ventilation, you need to see that there is a LIN control wire present from the CCM, or add if needed.
Terminal info below, for the seat plugs and where they should be wired to:
Left side 94/505 pin 1 - SHML (Seat Heater Module front Left) (+) feed, from fuse CF46, 15/50.B pin 22 in fusebox plug B
Left side 94/505 pin 6 - SHML (Seat Heater Module front Left) (-) ground, should be present and joined to chassis ground
Left side 94/505 pin 32 - SHML (Seat Heater Module front Left) LIN, from CCM (Climate Control Module), B connector pin 28 in CCM (joined with right side and blower motor)
Right side 94/506 pin 1 - SHMR (Seat Heater Module front Right) (+) feed, from fuse CF47, 15/50.B pin 10 in fusebox plug B
Right side 94/506 pin 6 - SHMR (Seat Heater Module front Right) (-) ground, should be present and joined to chassis ground
Right side 94/506 pin 32 - SHMR (Seat Heater Module front Right) LIN, from CCM (Climate Control Module), B connector pin 28 in CCM (joined with left side and blower motor)
Circuit/fuse info (CF46 and CF47) I believe are specific to the V60, so the circuit to use (matching original) could differ for each car as to what should supply the SHMs.
Where to find the components?
Seat plugs and the pin numbering
CCM location
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S90 T8 HVCH(high voltage coolant heater) to CPM (combustion preheater) swap problem |
Posted by: naxitrall - 01-19-2025, 01:29 PM - Forum: Retrofitting
- Replies (3)
I recently swapped on my S90 LWB T8 2018my HVCH to CPM. Since my HVCH was bad i looked all the parts and saw that its pretty easy to swap from HVCH to CPM since all coolant hoses was already there. So i ordered all necessary parts for swapping - CPM, Fuel pump and lines + all needed connectors/pins.
Yesterday i finished all the wiring and changed carconfig as some similar type of car. Now i get Climate control relay error from cem (its wired up properly i think..) and no communication with CPM from CCM. When i manually run climate control relay on engine bay fuse box then i can get some parameters with Orbit(etc CPM part numbers) but still CCM has its no communication with CPM error. I have tried 2 different CPM and i know one is working 100%. I'm really getting frustrated with this. Have looked 1000 times all wiring diagrams in VIDA but still cant figure out where is the problem.
I hope someone here may have some good ideas..