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8 inch to 12.3 inch display upgrade |
Posted by: DiyEverything - 06-19-2023, 04:00 PM - Forum: Retrofitting
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Hi all, I have a 2019 S60 T6 Momentum with the smaller 8-inch instrument cluster display. I have the opportunity to buy a 12-inch display from a 2019 XC60. Will the display function properly or will I have to try and program it? I know the mileage will be different.
Key |
Posted by: VOLVO-pan - 06-17-2023, 02:11 PM - Forum: Changes
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Hello 119
Long time no see, can you add an area on the forum about adding keys?
Adding Keys
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Request for assistance with a Home Assistant project |
Posted by: Farki - 06-15-2023, 04:58 PM - Forum: Misc
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Nedávno som narazil na tvoj príspevok o hackovaní áut Volvo a veľmi ma zaujala tvoja práca. Mám podobný projekt, kde sa snažím integrovať svoje 13-ročné auto so systémom Home Assistant. Verím, že vaše odborné znalosti môžu byť pre moje úsilie veľmi cenné.
Zaregistroval som sa na vašej stránke a chcel by som vás požiadať o pomoc. Chcel by som vedieť, či je možné vyvinúť nástroj alebo riešenie, ktoré by mi umožnilo sledovať a ovládať rôzne aspekty môjho auta prostredníctvom Home Assistant. Konkrétne ma zaujíma, ako by som mohol získať prístup k údajom z rôznych senzorov a systémov v mojom aute a integrovať ich do Home Assistant.
Moje auto je 13-ročný model Volvo XC60. Zaujímalo by ma, či sa niekto pokúsil o podobnú integráciu s touto konkrétnou značkou a modelom auta. Ak existujú nejaké známe riešenia alebo projekty, ktoré riešili tento problém, dajte mi vedieť. Rád by som sa poučil zo skúseností iných a akýchkoľvek odporúčaní, ktoré môžu mať pre moje vlastné úsilie.
Tiež by ma zaujímalo, aký hardvér by bol potrebný na implementáciu tejto integrácie. Ak máte skúsenosti s konkrétnym hardvérom, ktorý by bol pre takýto projekt vhodný, podeľte sa so mnou o tieto informácie.
Ak máte záujem a ste k dispozícii na ďalšiu diskusiu alebo spoluprácu, dajte mi vedieť. Veľmi by som ocenil každú radu alebo návod, ktorý by mi mohol pomôcť s týmto projektom.
Ďakujeme za váš čas a ochotu pomôcť.
S Pozdravom,
OrBit Beta v0.5.4 release notes |
Posted by: Power6 - 06-15-2023, 11:57 AM - Forum: Releases
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v0.5.4 has been released. This is a small update with a fix for timeout issue when starting OrBit.
Fixes: - Improved the timeout behavior when OrBit starts, to deal with the case when connectivity is slow or other issues contacting the back end for updates on start.
Posted by: jasonatepaint - 06-15-2023, 03:10 AM - Forum: Misc
- Replies (3)
I recently upgraded the Volvo 2.9 OTA upgrade (from 2.7). After that upgrade succeeded, all of the configuration changes made (via orbit) were reverted/set in the 2.9 update. Not a problem, I had saved my configuration settings.
However, once loaded and I was about to push the changes, there was another setting that is tied to the software's minor version:
Current: 09 Minor Version 9
New: 07 Minor Version 7
I canceled the programming since it didn't seem like a good idea. It seems that setting is part of the saved orbit settings file; the file is not text-readable and it doesn't show in the U/I, so there was no way to fix this. I reloaded the settings from the car and then set each setting manually.
I wasn't sure if this was a bug or expected, so I figured I'd start here.
Seat belt reminder deactivation? |
Posted by: traveler - 06-14-2023, 10:23 AM - Forum: Safety
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hope i post in right subforum, my q is as subject says, how to disable seat belt reminder, i know most of you will ask why i do that, but simple i'm tired of saying every co-passenger "please use seat belt, to avoid audio warning" , as some of co-passengers don't like use seat belt, even i use it always, that's why need it?
So, is there any way to disable only passenger seat belt warning sound, i saw some ids in .xls file for config options, that can be disabled first row or second row, but didn't see option like at VAG cars for ex. where is possible disable driver seat belt reminder only or passenger seat belt reminder only?
And what's difference this config USA , EU seat belt reminder?
OrBit Beta v0.5.3 release notes |
Posted by: Power6 - 06-13-2023, 07:17 PM - Forum: Releases
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NOTE: When you start to use OrBit v0.5.3, you will find connecting to cars you already have a "profile" stored for, will prompt you to update the profile. You should do that. But you can cancel it if you are in a hurry, OrBit will ask you to update the profile each time you connect the car, until you do. It won't cause any problems for now to cancel it until it is more convenient time to update the profile. Additional information on ECUs installed software parts is added to the profile, for future use of new and exciting features ;-)
v0.5.3 has been released. This is a major update for a lot of things people don't get excited about, like stability and security improvements. But also there are some new features. This one got too big and took too long, but I think the important notes are below ;-)
New features:
- Cached login - Yes finally you don't have to get a code every time ;-) As long as you log in successfully with a code, OrBit will now let you log in with the same cached user up to 20 times on the same day. For most that means you only need to authenticate one a day.
- Changed Items filter on config table - A new checkbox on the config table allows you to filter only changed items. This is useful before you write a config, you can check all the items that are changed from the current config (and highlighted, now with more yellow!). Useful to review or modify the config before you start the "Write to car" process. When the "changed items" filter is checked, "show everything" checkbox is disabled, as the "changed items" filter will always show all current modified items.
- Config Presets - A new way to "save" and "load" settings is introduced, as the current settings files are limited, they are specific to the car so you can't share them, and they can be confusing to load and get unintentional changes as the state of the car changes (Dealer visits, software updates, accessory installs). OrBit now allows you to save a "presets" file of the settings you change, from the confirmation window when you write a config to the car. The presets file *only* contains the settings you change, in a text file that you can save, and edit at any time. The format is pretty simple to follow. You can make your own files of settings, or share them with others, use them however you like. The "Load Settings" button in OrBit will load both the old settings saved file, or the new presets file format. I will make further guide on this either in a forum post or a video, to explain the use.
- Built-in Config Presets - The configurator tab now has a "Config Presets" button. You can click this to bring up a dialog to choose from various presets, to apply to the config table. Applying them changes only the config table, it does not write them to the car. This is intended to be a helpful tool for the "config changes" that require multiple individual items to be changed. For example TPMS system and Pilot Assist settings. These have been confusing for folks, or they need to find the information on each setting to change. The presets have been built to be extensible, they can be updated outside of OrBit application itself. There are only a few items there to start, but will be expanded over time. I hope to make some sensible presets for Pilot Assist, which requires some research to be done, so look for that in the future.
- (For advanced users) Headlamp HCM Config string write - When you flash software via ECU Tools tab, to an HCM, OrBit will prompt and ask if you want to write the HCM config string. OrBit takes the inputs from the headlamp sticker, to learn the headlamp adjustments to the HCM. This also includes, via the config string, the ability to correct the "side" on an HCM i.e. change the used HCML to and HCMR and vice versa. Various improvements were made to support flashing HCMs successfully, they are now supported.
Fixes and Improvements:
- OrBit is updated to better handle slow back-end access or outage, on startup
- OrBit updated to handle "SA 11" security access PIN properly, when reading secure DIDs and future key fob learning functions.
- DID Results with Volvo part numbers in them, now display correctly (ex; "32345656 AA")
- Improvements in flashing software to ECUs that OrBit supports
- Improvements in "backup ECU" process. Where the data block is longer than the possible maximum chunks of data from the ECU, OrBit will submit multiple requests together and back up any size data block that is possible to upload from the ECU.
- Too many bugs fix or stability improvements made to detail. Basically Orbit deals with weird situations better like CEM not responding, unable to read car config, or other strange situation etc.
- TPMS display corrected and marked with proper locations (FL, FR, RL, RR) of the sensors
- Bug fix for earlier bug fix - "SW Version" items are not loaded into the config table with saved settings, as they are not written to the car, to preserve the system version written by Volvo through OTA updates and Total Upgrade.
Known Issues:
- There are a number of new "disabled" service page buttons, for future features. These will be added with time ;-)
Over the air Volvo update 2.9 |
Posted by: tyrion70 - 06-13-2023, 08:49 AM - Forum: Service Functions
- Replies (3)
I made some changes with Orbit a while back and now my car installed update 2.9 (EU) I didn't really think about this before but after this upgrade at least some of my settings were reverted (noticably the speed limit).
Now my question is:
- is it actually safe to run the over-the-air updates on the Volvo car if you changed settings with Orbit? Or should you always revert back to defaults before doing so?
- Do these over-the-air updates actually revert back everything to default settings always? IE if I take my car to the shop now, do I still need to restore any settings to default?
- Is it even safe to restore to a saved default after a Volvo update since things might have changed in those settings by Volvo itself?