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How to buy used key fobs - SPA/CMA key fob and config guide
Couple updates:
1. I tried programming one of my wife's S60 key in my S90, and it stopped working on the S60. Later when I programmed it in the S60, it showed key already exists, and I had to remove all keys to reprogram it.
Same key for two vehicles doesn't work (not surprising lol)
2. My S90 didn't originally come with a care key, and '214 Restricted Key Function' says 01 Without restricted key. Despite that, programming a care key from eBay auto attached it to a profile that was restricted. Likely because my car didn't originally come with a care key, there was no setting for the speed limit either. It's a 2018 S90 and was likely one of the first SPA models, so acts differently

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