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How to flash a module with software in OrBit
How to flash software with OrBit:
You can flash software to some ECUs/modules in your SPA/CMA Volvo/Polestar car with OrBit. This is a relatively lesser used and somewhat limited feature of OrBit. This is partly that most of y'all users don't care yet ;-) But also due to how Volvo works: rather than making module software readily available like some mfrs, they go out of their way to keep it locked up and safe, only accessible through their watchful eyes via VIDA ;-) But still, OrBit can do it and who knows what the future holds. Current ECUs "enabled" for flashing are: CEM, HCML, HCMR, SCL, SRS, DEM, AUD, SODL, SODR, TRM, POT. 

More ECUs are enabled as I test them and confirm flashing works reliably, or in some cases I have worked with others.. Don't ask about ECM or IHU yet, these are the most complex and secured flashing processes, and currently we don't have anything of interest to flash to them anyways, not yet...

The biggest hurdle you have is knowing what software you need and getting the software "VBF" files in the first place. This is no a guide for that, it is a guide with how to flash a module with software with OrBit if you have it. You can ask around though, you do never know who has what software files in their collection.

How to flash software to a module with OrBit:

If you are already familiar with flashing software to ECUs, some of this may be review. To flash software, you need both the SBL to boot the ECU into flashing mode, and you need the software file to flash itself. These will be in VBF format for Volvos. OrBit works with Volvo VBF format software files. OrBit only allows certain modules to be flashed based on successful testing, modules are added as they are tested to work. To flash software to a module:
  • Connect to the car
  • Switch to the  "ECU Tools" tab
  • In the ECU Flash box, use the buttons to choose the files for flashing
  • Click "load SBL" and choose the SBL software VBF
  • Click "load VBF" and choose the software VBF file you want to flash
  • You don't specify the module to flash, OrBit reads the VBF files to know which ECU it is for
  • OrBit will verify the ECU matches between the SBL and software VBF files
  • OrBit verifies checksums in the VBF files, ECU match, car connected, licensed for flash etc. OrBit must also know the programming PIN of the ECU. For many ECUs OrBit already has the standard PIN loaded, for others (i.e. CEM) the unique PIN needs to be set in the car profile. if everything is good, the "Flash ECU" button is enabled.
  • Click the "Flash ECU" button, to proceed flashing the software to the car module
  • OrBit will return from the process with success, or if the flash fails, an error and reason will be given
  • OrBit only flashes a single software file at a time. When flashing multiple software files to the same module, you will need to run this process for each software to flash. You can flash a single module repeatedly, leaving the same SBL specified, choosing a new software file to flash via "Load VBF" each time.
  • When flashing software via this process, OrBit skips "post programming" process (clear codes, restart IHU etc.), to save time when flashing multiple softwares. So keep in mind you may want to clear codes, restart modules, ABS clear etc. on your own, after all software has been loaded. Also you may disable "programming checks" (check all ECUs are awake and in programming mode before every flash) as well. This is checkbox is under advanced OrBit settings on the "Experts Toolbox" tab.

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How to flash a module with software in OrBit - by Power6 - 07-07-2023, 08:36 PM

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