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Retrofit Volvo V60 B&W
First, the easiest question.  " 460 AUDIO SPEAKERS" > Don't worry about that. It's for older models.  You need to change 028 RADIO, AMP AND SPEAKER SYSTEM according to the AUD (Amplifier) if you replace it and 201 SUBWOOFER if you add a SUB. 

Your car has total 9 speakers. 
 2 tweeters on the front pillars (L & R) 
 1 Center on the DASH
 2 MID range on the front doors (L & R)
 2 Woofers on the rear doors (L & R) 
 2 tweeters on the rear doors (L & R) 

So, you are missing 2 roof "back pillar" (MID + HIGH) speakers and the SUB woofer. 
There is also another SUB under the glove box. Not sure if you have that. 

According parts link,  Woofers on the rear doors (L & R)  do not have variants. Only one part number. So, you do not replace them at all. 

What I would do, 
First determine if you are getting any output from SUB woofer by enabling  201 SUBWOOFER = SUBWOF. 
Just push two wires into the pin wholes and the other end to random LOW band speaker. Check if you get any audio. There are people here who just tested and and it worked.  You should get audio if VOLVO EU not played cheap. :-).  

At the same time test the roof speaker outputs with the same method. If you get audio, then you don't need to replace the AUD, just add the wiring and the roof speakers.

If you don't get any audio, 
First from Orbit change the  028 RADIO, AMP AND SPEAKER SYSTEM > High Performance Plus Audio. (H&K) , then retest the roof speakers. You might get likely that could enable the roof outputs. 
In general AUD part numbers are shared with all models.  The software and the config file is different for classes. (40, 60 and 90). 

You can use a voltmeter too for testing. Put it on DC 2Volts for measure.  Take your time when testing, especially if you are using wires to test. 

Don't rush to spend money to buy stuff.  It might not just worth it. 
By the way, HK speakers are just ok. There are much better speakers out there for cheaper price. So, first test your AMP. try to enable the outputs then decide what you want to do. 

I've never listened to output of the basic AMP so I cannot tell you if HK is better or not especially with SUB and roof speakers are connected to basic AMP. 

Don't worry about the questions, I like to help people as much as I can. Sharing is caring :-) 


Hello man,

my apologize for longer silence, due to some private life issues, was off last 2 months... Finally found some free time, to visit my friend experienced car electrician, well skilled like you    , then i explained him what you suggested to do, and checking subw, and rest of speakers to see is there sound from amp, and sure by trying config with Orbit as you suggested,

so i'll go in order you replied to me, and provide you checking results  , at least owe you post my findings for XC40 speakers config for this radio-map-speakers config - High performance audio called

Your car has total 9 speakers.
2 tweeters on the front pillars (L & R)
1 Center on the DASH
2 MID range on the front doors (L & R)
2 Woofers on the rear doors (L & R)
2 tweeters on the rear doors (L & R)

you will not believe, there is only 7 or let say 8x speakers, even it's called by Volvo for my VIN  High performance audio  ,  below are signs for config in my car, provided for my VIN from Volvo Vida system,

K502 - RADIO, AMP & SPEAKER SYSTEM High Performance audio



we realized this, when removed rear doors side panels, and behind it believe or not was empty space  , just preparation like holders for rear doors woofers left & right, greed Volvo swedish guys    , and generally whole time in front of car i felt much stronger sound than rear, then sudennly we just wanted check how are connected rear bottom speakers and tweeters, directly or indirectly , cause of planing if decide add new amp like Harman amp, and then we removed side panel and saw no any speakers - no bottom speakers on rear doors    , then by VIN number and checking actual config, we found right part number, and I ordered 2x rear door speakers-woofers, like below part number,

cause for K502 config, it's right part number 32265248
by VIN number we found following speakers config,

1. 2x tweeters on the front pillars (L & R)  -  this correct  info by you

2. 2x speakers Center on the DASH , here looks like 2 speakers, as very loud sound comes from dash speakers, we didn't remove trim for dash, but looks like there 2x speakers, but not 100% sure, as didn't remove dash trim, but found some picture on internet, and it looks like this below

part no: 31456870  , or maybe this counted as 1x central speaker, but as you can see , trim + speakers, looks like 2x speakers, 1x bigger and 1x smaller

3. 2x MID range on the front doors (L & R)  - this is correct info by you

4. 2 speakers or whatever they are called woofers on the rear doors (L & R) -  these 2 missing , behind rear door panel empty space, just holders for rear door speakers available, but no speakers there 

5. 2x tweeters on the rear doors (L & R)  - this is correct info by you

6. 2x subwoofers in front of car or whatever called, we couldn't find where are they, but if you check on photo below for my VIN, they are somewhere in front, seems under fron pvc trims under windscreen, but we couldnt see them easy, but on picture below are shown,

but they are definetely there 1 or 2, as is much louder sound in front, than rear, and can easy feel difference.

S by this looks this config has 10x speakers or 9x, if we count those 2x center dash speakers a s 1x speaker, and when i add these 2x woofers-bottom rear door speakers, will be in total 11 or 12x speakers  .

But found this description  at some Volvo XC40 forum,

Standard 8 speaker system
x1 Woofer in dash
x1 Speaker in centre top of dash
x2 Tweeters in A pillar
x2 Speakers in front doors
x2 Speakers in TOP rear doors

but not sure what's here called "standard", as there is usual 3-4x config, low-standard, high perform, HK and last BW, and this one at my car is High, 2nd level, and i feel 2x speakers in dash , or called subwoofers i see by part number,  so in my case it will be 9x, if dash center is threated as 1x ,  and if i add these 2x rear door speakers, will have 11x speakers, and missing 2x roof speakers, and 1x subwoofer which usual suggested in trunk to install.

From same XC40 forum , someone posted for Harman config this,

Harmon Kardon System
8 Speakers as above but higher quality
Plus 5no additional speakers:
x2 Speakers in BOTTOM rear doors
x2 Speakers in rear roof
x1 Sub woofer in rear wheel arch

so, in my case as you wrote, this what i hear very good-strong sound in front of car, can be i have 1x subw at glovebox side - right side, and 1x subw on left side, but we couldn't see them easy on both sides, except  they are well hidden behind those pvc panels.

According partslink24, as you told, it's correct there is 1x part number-same for left-right bottom speakers, and i ordered 2x such used speakers, as they are missing in car 

So, i did as you suggested tested by my friend car experienced electrician, output from SUB woofer by enabling 201 - subwof, and we didn't get any sound, we pushed 2 wires in pin whole you told, and other to some standard speaker, and no any audio.

Seems Volvo EU wasn't so cheeky like in USA  ,  we tested roof speakers same method, and no any sound, so seems in my case need replace AMP .

I tried too change in Orbit 028 - radio, amp from High perofrm to HK High perform Plus audio, but 0 points, no sound .

Yes, you are right that most of AUD-AMPs are shared with all models, and usual they use same AMP for more configs, but add more speakers , but here XC40 wasn't that case  ...  There was on this connector you thought 5x channels, it was 8x , but no sound from any of wholes, we tried all wholes ....

Talked by my friend who helped check all this, and he is experienced about car electronics, he suggested, let we first check these 2 additional rear bottom's doors speakers, and in total will be 10 or 11, depending of exact number actual speakers in my car, and to test if i'm satisfied by sound, and then decide to add 2x roof speakers, +subw in trunk and replace AMP-AUD with HK one, in front of car i'm well satisfied with sound quality, and think when add these 2x in rear OEM Volvo speakers, will be rear much better, as hear by some people not much diff with HK, these 10-11 vs HK 13x , sure B&W is much better, but 10-11x vs HK 13x hear not big diff, first i'll test as you told, am i satisfied with 2 more rear bottom speakers, and then decide will invest more or keep like that .

Thank you for such attitude, my lifestyle is same way, that will help anyone all i can help and will share my experience, knowledge, skills .

That's why posted all my findings now here, as will be useful for some other XC40 owners, that not have do all these checkings i did  , in fact if we want subw, 2x roof speakers and HK config, we'll need replace AMP-AUD with HK one, and 2x roof speakers, subw, and will need do wiring-installation for roof speakers, subw, rest speakers  think can be used these OEM already in car installed with 2nd level of speakers config.
What is the default setting for HK system? 

028. RADIO, AMP AND SPEAKER SYSTEM Performance audio 
028. RADIO, AMP AND SPEAKER SYSTEM High performance audio - this is default HP? 
028. RADIO, AMP AND SPEAKER SYSTEM Premium sound audio - This is BW right? 
028. RADIO, AMP AND SPEAKER SYSTEM High Performance Plus audio
V60 2020 
01 - Standard, 02 - HP, 03 - HK, 04 - BW,  so  03 - Premium Sound Audio = HK
(02-07-2023, 01:34 PM)TweakeNL Wrote: Here is a small tutorial how to upgrade Volvo V60 High Performance Audio (NON Harman Kardon) to B&W.

Apparently this is a lot easier if you have Harman & Kardon as everything is prewired. Just swap the speakers, install the AMP and change configbits. 

Just small notes:
  • All wiring in the doors are there, no need to add extra wires.
  • A total of 4 wires need to be added for the speakers in the headliner.
  • 2 wires need to be added to the subwoofer.
  • With my car, the center speaker was pre-wired. But not connected to the amp.

First of all you will need all the speakers and install them into the door panels. This is just a straight-forward job and plug and play. 

I did install the roof speakers and subwoofer. Just added the cables to them. Fortunately the set that I got had the plugs and a small bit of wiring on it. So I could easily extend them to the front. 

For the roof speakers you will need to create a hole, like this:

I've used a "compass cutter" for it. It created perfect holes in fabric. I suggest you take one of the expensive sharper ones. AS it will take a lot of efford if you are using the cheap ones.

I ordered two speakers grills: 31479160 and  31479161. These are for the beige headliner.

You will need to re-pin your speaker connector as follows. 

Or if you are more like a picture person, like me:

Then I added the extra wiring to the center speaker. The cables go to the connector in front of the amplifier. (Just in front of the support beam.)

For now I've removed the two cables as I did not have the correct size pins. The correct part number you will need is: 30772666. You can push these in on the other side of the connector.

Now it is the time to install the B&W amp, just plug and play as well.
After this change the following config bits:

028 Radio, Amp and Speaker system: 03 Premium Sound

Noticing that you show a picture of the C connector (that you add connectors for center+subwoofer) but it is the D connector that needs re-wiring (the 4 leads need to be moved)

Placement after swap. 

so just making sure next person does not oversee it as i did.
V60 2020 
(04-22-2024, 02:59 PM)mrs Wrote: 01 - Standard, 02 - HP, 03 - HK, 04 - BW,  so  03 - Premium Sound Audio = HK

No, this is not correct! 
01 Performance Audio > No AUD (amp) 
02 High Performance > Is regular AUD (amp) with two variants (w / wo SUB)
03 Premium Sound Audio > Is B&W 
04 High Performance Plus > Is HK
Yes, you are right, i did misstype, as in my head, was by quality of setups like 1-2-3-4, std-hp-hk-bw Smile  , you are right 01-so called standard, 02 -  HP,  and HK is upgrade of HP ,that's why called HP PLUS - 04 it's correct, and best is sure B&W - Premium sound level,03 item at config Orbit Smile .

One thing realized last night, reading some thread, which not many people mentioned, but X119 explained to someone at swspeed, that after change config for ex. HK - 04 in Orbit at 028 item, or 201- subW enabled, need turn off car, lock, wait few minutes and then turn on car, to "apply" this change, and then test by some standard speaker + pins on AMP connectors you explained for subW and for roof speakers, if we want test do we get sound from amp for subW pins and roof speakers in this HK-04 config, on 028 item and 201 item-subW.

You wrote HP in 2 variants, i saw variant 502 and 504, for my car is 502, and i feel like 2 subw in front , and i see at ebay and other selling sites, mostly offered subf front and rear for HK setup, so not sure is in my case 2x subW in front, or 1x,  as at rear no sbuw definetely?

And probably in my case is 8x speakers, as someone wrote at XC40 UK forum,  1x dash + 2x pillars a front + 2 front mid + 2x mid rear + 1x subw (or 2x subw in front-dash) , so it's 8x or 9x...

And for HK + 5x,  2x sunroof, 2x rear bottom woofers + 1x subw rear in trunk, in total = 13x, as could see, seems those 13x HK, are these existing 8x little bit better quality speakers + 5x additional above mentioned, and about AMP not sure is diff totally.

And its probably like this picture from xc40 uk forum posted, and i just marked, what's HP setup, what HK,

[Image: c3X7mqj.jpeg]

But can be this HP AMP can be used for +5x adittional sepakers of HK set, and that need do test like X119 told, apply change config, turn off car, wait little bit, and then test do we get sound from amp for sun roof speakers, subw and 2x reat's door bottom speakers.

However i ordered these 2x rear's door speakers, part number suggested by parts24 from my VIN, k502 variant, and will test addint these 2 in rear's door bottom. What do you think, need here to use 04-HK config by Orbit change or can leave HP - 02 item at 028 amp-radio ?
(04-22-2024, 10:07 PM)mrs Wrote: Yes, you are right, i did misstype, as in my head, was by quality of setups like 1-2-3-4, std-hp-hk-bw Smile  , you are right 01-so called standard, 02 -  HP,  and HK is upgrade of HP ,that's why called HP PLUS - 04 it's correct, and best is sure B&W - Premium sound level,03 item at config Orbit Smile .

One thing realized last night, reading some thread, which not many people mentioned, but X119 explained to someone at swspeed, that after change config for ex. HK - 04 in Orbit at 028 item, or 201- subW enabled, need turn off car, lock, wait few minutes and then turn on car, to "apply" this change, and then test by some standard speaker + pins on AMP connectors you explained for subW and for roof speakers, if we want test do we get sound from amp for subW pins and roof speakers in this HK-04 config, on 028 item and 201 item-subW.

You wrote HP in 2 variants, i saw variant 502 and 504, for my car is 502, and i feel like 2 subw in front , and i see at ebay and other selling sites, mostly offered subf front and rear for HK setup, so not sure is in my case 2x subW in front, or 1x,  as at rear no sbuw definetely?

And probably in my case is 8x speakers, as someone wrote at XC40 UK forum,  1x dash + 2x pillars a front + 2 front mid + 2x mid rear + 1x subw (or 2x subw in front-dash) , so it's 8x or 9x...

And for HK + 5x,  2x sunroof, 2x rear bottom woofers + 1x subw rear in trunk, in total = 13x, as could see, seems those 13x HK, are these existing 8x little bit better quality speakers + 5x additional above mentioned, and about AMP not sure is diff totally.

And its probably like this picture from xc40 uk forum posted, and i just marked, what's HP setup, what HK,

[Image: c3X7mqj.jpeg]

But can be this HP AMP can be used for +5x adittional sepakers of HK set, and that need do test like X119 told, apply change config, turn off car, wait little bit, and then test do we get sound from amp for sun roof speakers, subw and 2x reat's door bottom speakers.

However i ordered these 2x rear's door speakers, part number suggested by parts24 from my VIN, k502 variant, and will test addint these 2 in rear's door bottom. What do you think, need here to use 04-HK config by Orbit change or can leave HP - 02 item at 028 amp-radio ?

The XC40 series has a very different setup compared to other series (60 and 90).  So, if anyone wants to upgrade the audio on XC40, the replacement AUD must come from XC40. It is not just rewiring or repining. Check out the diagram for MY24 XC40 CMA.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I have now repinned everything as far as i know. However my tweeters are dead in the rear doors but the big speakers in the rear doors do work. 
Can it have something with my frankenstein Volvo with harnesses from different v60's? or might the tweekers be dead? would they give a fault code in that case?

if i but a multimeter on the tweeker output i get reading with the music..

EDIT: smashed my ear up onto the speakermesh in the rear doors and its very very faint. Is it the HK system depending on the roof speakers to do the work?
V60 2020 
(04-22-2024, 11:14 PM)IMAY2023 Wrote: The XC40 series has a very different setup compared to other series (60 and 90).  So, if anyone wants to upgrade the audio on XC40, the replacement AUD must come from XC40. It is not just rewiring or repining. Check out the diagram for MY24 XC40 CMA.

Clear about XC40 setup that diff by 60,90 series, and that AMP must be from XC40 if we want replace AMP.

Is this scheme for  HK setup, XC40 or HP, as i see bigger number of speakers on scheme?

My Q was,  can be this HP AMP used for 5x adittional sepakers of HK set from XC40 speakers, or need replace it with other AUD-AMP HK from some XC40 car, i ask this, cause your initial idea was to test will get sound for roof speakers + subw?

 Cause i think didn't perform right way testing  is there sound from SubW and roof sepakers from pins you explained on what connectors pins to check, as X119 suggested that after apply change config in Orbit, need turn off car, wait little bit, and then test do we get sound from amp for roof speakers, subw and 2x rear's door bottom speakers, cause i did change config to SubW-enabled and 028  - HK, and didn't turn off car, but tested immediately after change config, maybe that was reasin that didn't get sound from speakers on pins you told to connect basic speaker and check get sound or not.

However i ordered these 2x rear's bottom door speakers, part number suggested by parts24 from my VIN, k502 variant, and will test adding these 2 in rear's door bottom, as they are for my car's VIN and for variant available in my car k502, they should work with existing AUD-AMP.

What do you think, need here to use 04-HK config by Orbit change or can leave HP - 02 item at 028 amp-radio , suppose need change to HK, as these 2x rear bottom doors speakers not standard of HP setup, but seems only at HK? 

Just was strange that there was trims at bottom of rear's door and holders for speakers, but empty, no speakers Smile .

Once i re-read 1 of your first replies and suggestions to me, so i'll do first as you suggested, in meaning, that actual AUD-AMP, first check outputs for these missing speakers, like 2x rear door bottom speakers + 2x roof speakers output + 1x subf - rear ,  as think i have front subf in HP setup, cause HP setup  = 2x front pillars + 2x front mid + 1x central dash + 2x reare tweeters + 1x front subW = 8x in total. Once i suceed testing these 5x missing speakers on actual AMP-AUD, as can be Volvo share amps between setups, and can happen this one work for 5x additional or 2x adittional, depend what i find to buy, already found these 2x reare door bottom speakers.

Which pins are for these 2x rear door bottom speakers and which connector? Are they in parall with 2x rear door tweeters, or separated channels?

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