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Request to make OrBit field windows resizable
First off I would like to express my Thanks to all individuals involved in getting OrBit up and functional. without this software I would be pretty much SOL on being able to implement the modifications that I would like to add to the S60. It appears that the majority of the modifications I am trying/wanting to make for the S60 are "factory installed options" and not considered "accessories" which means that software like OrBit is necessary to implement their functionality (because it is obvious that Volvo is not a willing participant in helping individual vehicle owners implement such modifications even if all the necessary parts are sourced directly from a Volvo dealer). 

I have a few questions / requests that I hope can be implemented in a future build of OrBit. please see below.

1). would it be possible to make the fields inside the OrBit window resizable? (as you can see with certain line items in the configurator window - the descriptions are truncated and hovering above them with the mouse pointer does not pop an un-truncated visual description to help provide it's full details even when the OrBit window is maximized to full size)

[Image: AIL4fc8FXUz3ajzMQnWmtv9qGYJ0WhEtSxeaAMfh...authuser=0]

2). the task progress window at the bottom is limited in what can be viewed at a glance, can this be made to be adjustable in size so that more lines are visible at one time without having to scroll through them all?

3). would it be possible to change font colors or some other type of indication in this progress window specifically for line items that have failed to be properly implemented?

[Image: AIL4fc8w1vZeHH1cU8LqjGA6ZDODQXAyiFW3rk6_...authuser=0] 

Thanks again, I do appreciate all your effort in bringing this useful tool to fruition and making it available to the masses.
Thanks man! I appreciate the feedback. GUI is not my thing hehe, although I am aware of the annoyances people tell me about, the ability to easily expand the Configurator table is one that has come up...maybe enough times for me to get over the hump of addressing it ;-)

I'll think about the Screen Log in general, what improvements could be made. It's been there since the beginning because it helps to know what is going on, for a process that takes a few minutes or longer, like flashing. Otherwise you got no clue if it's working fine or messed up, what step it's on. Making a progress bar was more challenging and less informative. 

I've learned a lot, about showing which "fail" messages and such, for things that aren't all that critical, the kinds of things for "other" programs might be buried in a log and just show "complete, successful" result. I of course know all about what is critical and not, but I can't assume the user does. Like that post programming fail you show there, probably not a big deal, the flash was successful since you got to post programming. The gateway took a little too long to return or something else happened, so OrBit moved on. If for example that were a common problem I need to add or improve automated handling to deal with it. No matter how much I refine it, at some point something won't work correctly, and we either keep going, or abort the process. So the solution could be "don't show that to the user" but I don't know if I want to do that, it helps to be informed. It's kinda there for reference, other than seeing "FLASH FAILED!" if there was a problem in the programming process. Well anyways nobody thinks about these things in the depth that I do ha. 

Anyone looking on, if the flash process or whatever you run returns successful you are good ;-) And everything is logged well so if you got problems, contact support and I will look up your logs sort you out.
(09-15-2023, 04:31 PM)Power6 Wrote: Thanks man! I appreciate the feedback. GUI is not my thing hehe, although I am aware of the annoyances people tell me about, the ability to easily expand the Configurator table is one that has come up...maybe enough times for me to get over the hump of addressing it ;-)

I'll think about the Screen Log in general, what improvements could be made. It's been there since the beginning because it helps to know what is going on, for a process that takes a few minutes or longer, like flashing. Otherwise you got no clue if it's working fine or messed up, what step it's on. Making a progress bar was more challenging and less informative. 

I've learned a lot, about showing which "fail" messages and such, for things that aren't all that critical, the kinds of things for "other" programs might be buried in a log and just show "complete, successful" result. I of course know all about what is critical and not, but I can't assume the user does. Like that post programming fail you show there, probably not a big deal, the flash was successful since you got to post programming. The gateway took a little too long to return or something else happened, so OrBit moved on. If for example that were a common problem I need to add or improve automated handling to deal with it. No matter how much I refine it, at some point something won't work correctly, and we either keep going, or abort the process. So the solution could be "don't show that to the user" but I don't know if I want to do that, it helps to be informed. It's kinda there for reference, other than seeing "FLASH FAILED!" if there was a problem in the programming process. Well anyways nobody thinks about these things in the depth that I do ha. 

Anyone looking on, if the flash process or whatever you run returns successful you are good ;-) And everything is logged well so if you got problems, contact support and I will look up your logs sort you out.
I am a tech guy myself.. I'd prefer even larger messages window and more detailed logs (debug) in the show logs window. But I also do understand that printing all the events in the logs can be resource consuming too.  Adding log level flags (min, warn, error, debug)  could be an alternative. However, let's keep in mind one thing, this is a programming tool and not a day by day used social app or a game so when it comes to programming or flashing ECUs you do want all the logs possible. There are million things can go wrong and the logs are essential to figure out what went wrong.
The screen log is not the OrBit application log, it's a status display to see what is happening and results info.

That is not the OrBit application log. The OrBit log is however, also exposed to the user. On the Experts Toolbox tab use the button "View OrBit Log". I don't expect most to use that, but for the curious folks you can view it at any time. It may not always make sense to the person that doesn't have knowledge of the code or how all the things work in OrBit, but I don't hide it, I always encourage the folks that want to know more!

You are correct, I had to get good at implementing logging to make OrBit work and be supportable. That's one reason why logs are uploaded and easy for me to retrieve, part of how I provide good support, every issue does not start with "please send me the log..." ;-)
i think the DEV is doing good with the updates, i did requset almost the same and they changed some:

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