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Request for assistance with a Home Assistant project
Nedávno som narazil na tvoj príspevok o hackovaní áut Volvo a veľmi ma zaujala tvoja práca. Mám podobný projekt, kde sa snažím integrovať svoje 13-ročné auto so systémom Home Assistant. Verím, že vaše odborné znalosti môžu byť pre moje úsilie veľmi cenné.
Zaregistroval som sa na vašej stránke a chcel by som vás požiadať o pomoc. Chcel by som vedieť, či je možné vyvinúť nástroj alebo riešenie, ktoré by mi umožnilo sledovať a ovládať rôzne aspekty môjho auta prostredníctvom Home Assistant. Konkrétne ma zaujíma, ako by som mohol získať prístup k údajom z rôznych senzorov a systémov v mojom aute a integrovať ich do Home Assistant.
Moje auto je 13-ročný model Volvo XC60. Zaujímalo by ma, či sa niekto pokúsil o podobnú integráciu s touto konkrétnou značkou a modelom auta. Ak existujú nejaké známe riešenia alebo projekty, ktoré riešili tento problém, dajte mi vedieť. Rád by som sa poučil zo skúseností iných a akýchkoľvek odporúčaní, ktoré môžu mať pre moje vlastné úsilie.
Tiež by ma zaujímalo, aký hardvér by bol potrebný na implementáciu tejto integrácie. Ak máte skúsenosti s konkrétnym hardvérom, ktorý by bol pre takýto projekt vhodný, podeľte sa so mnou o tieto informácie.
Ak máte záujem a ste k dispozícii na ďalšiu diskusiu alebo spoluprácu, dajte mi vedieť. Veľmi by som ocenil každú radu alebo návod, ktorý by mi mohol pomôcť s týmto projektom.
Ďakujeme za váš čas a ochotu pomôcť.
S Pozdravom,
Just in case someone doesn’t feel like translating:

Recently, I came across your post about hacking Volvo cars, and I was very interested in your work. I have a similar project where I'm trying to integrate my 13-year-old car with the Home Assistant system. I believe your expertise could be very valuable for my efforts.
I have registered on your website and would like to ask for your help. I would like to know if it's possible to develop a tool or solution that would allow me to monitor and control various aspects of my car through Home Assistant. Specifically, I'm interested in how I could access data from different sensors and systems in my car and integrate them into Home Assistant.
My car is a 13-year-old Volvo XC60 model. I'm curious if anyone has attempted a similar integration with this specific brand and model of car. If there are any known solutions or projects that have addressed this issue, please let me know. I would like to learn from others' experiences and any recommendations they may have for my own efforts.
I'm also interested in the hardware that would be required for implementing this integration. If you have experience with specific hardware suitable for such a project, please share that information with me.
If you're interested and available for further discussion or collaboration, please let me know. I would greatly appreciate any advice or guidance that could help me with this project.
Thank you for your time and willingness to help.
Best regards,

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AutoPi would probably be the easiest way to start.
2023 S60 Recharge Black Edition
2023 Acura Integra A-Spec Tech
Being 13 years old it's not recent enough because in Europe you can get a lot of data through the API

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk

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