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New windshield - now having driver support errors
Radar isn’t calibrated yet. Dealer , different technician over the past weeks had said they’ve run a total upgrade of the software - turns out that was wrong. Last TU was a year back in 2022. This was discovered at the end of the failed replacement radar. So the TU was blocked by none factory parts. This has to be aligned of cause. The AUD has been reverted back from B&W to the original HP amp and the software had to be reinstalled to get that off the list preventing the TU.
Next one is trickier, the PSM for full power seats was registered, an upgrade I did from half powered. So that’s been spotted by VIDA. The bummer is I no longer have the original driver or passenger seat since I sold them :-( Looks like I have acquire a set and have them added so the PSM can be reinstalled :-(
Question are 1 the power seats are no longer connected to the car, can’t VIDA reinstall the PSM without the seat’s connected? 2 is there any way to bypass, trick VIDA to do a TU using Orbit?
Lessons learned is never to, do away with your original parts because you will need to add them back for a TU.

Messages In This Thread
New windshield - now having driver support errors - by HitTheRoadJack - 09-18-2023, 10:01 PM

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