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Request to make OrBit field windows resizable
First off I would like to express my Thanks to all individuals involved in getting OrBit up and functional. without this software I would be pretty much SOL on being able to implement the modifications that I would like to add to the S60. It appears that the majority of the modifications I am trying/wanting to make for the S60 are "factory installed options" and not considered "accessories" which means that software like OrBit is necessary to implement their functionality (because it is obvious that Volvo is not a willing participant in helping individual vehicle owners implement such modifications even if all the necessary parts are sourced directly from a Volvo dealer). 

I have a few questions / requests that I hope can be implemented in a future build of OrBit. please see below.

1). would it be possible to make the fields inside the OrBit window resizable? (as you can see with certain line items in the configurator window - the descriptions are truncated and hovering above them with the mouse pointer does not pop an un-truncated visual description to help provide it's full details even when the OrBit window is maximized to full size)

[Image: AIL4fc8FXUz3ajzMQnWmtv9qGYJ0WhEtSxeaAMfh...authuser=0]

2). the task progress window at the bottom is limited in what can be viewed at a glance, can this be made to be adjustable in size so that more lines are visible at one time without having to scroll through them all?

3). would it be possible to change font colors or some other type of indication in this progress window specifically for line items that have failed to be properly implemented?

[Image: AIL4fc8w1vZeHH1cU8LqjGA6ZDODQXAyiFW3rk6_...authuser=0] 

Thanks again, I do appreciate all your effort in bringing this useful tool to fruition and making it available to the masses.

Messages In This Thread
Request to make OrBit field windows resizable - by quattro4awd - 09-14-2023, 08:18 PM

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