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Xc90 ABL - One has Error Code
Good evening,
I did the whole thing according to TheKris79's instructions.
As we both had the fault in the left-hand headlight, we only carried out the procedure on the left-hand headlight. I can't tell you whether this also applies in your case.
Take a look at the pictures here.
There are several modules in the headlamp.
The "lower" module is apparently the module that is causing problems. This module is shifted by our small manipulation. If you have removed the headlight and are holding it in your hand, you first have to push the main plug into the headlight. This requires a lot of force and precision.
Then you have to drill a hole in the housing. I drilled a long hole because the screw that needs to be loosened is at an angle at the top.
Then you have to loosen the other screw through the hole from the main plug, very far inside the headlight.

The module is then pushed "upwards" and the screws are tightened again.

I did this about 7 days ago. I have neither saved an error code nor has there been a failure of the cornering light.

I filled the hole with glue and a plate.

It has rained a lot here in Germany since then. I still have absolutely no problems with water vapour or moisture in the headlight.

Sorry for my english 

Regards from germany

I appear to have the same issue, but with both headlights, mainly the right hand one as the left works from time to time,

I will carry out this mod when the weather improves as its cold wet and very dull here currently.

I'm in the UK and a new pair of headlights is £5000, so a fix would be very good, as that's about a 1/3 of the value of the car
Hi guys

Since the conversion, it has been working for me without any problems!
Hi, good to know that it is working for others as well. I do have noticed a few times that the fiddled light is doing like a scan over the road going left to right couple of times but once it has done the action then works normally again.
Sometimes I feel that there is some logic that stops them for operating (like light sensor or something is giving false input as at certain locations in my town on a curve it bends when turning into a curve and then in the middle it switches to straight ahead). 
It also is strange that no matter how many times I reset the fault codes the same left headlamp failure returns but with the timestamp that is dated to the date before the play with the light.
As now it is 2 of us who have tried and been successful then it seems it is worth to try at least.


I have the same problem but with right headlamp (XC90 2016, 170k km, CEM-B128B01 Right Head Lamp. General electrical failure.). But I've never noticed the bending light stop working. Just once when it was snowing I saw some flickering coming from the low beam. Probably will try this mod, but the weather is too cold right now to mess around the car.
I have the same error message ... isn't safer to dismantle the headlight ? Drilling seems to difficult and prone to errors. Does anyone have a guide on how to dismantle the headlights?

Thanks !

The headlight is completely sealed and there is no way to gain access to the internals easily. Of course you need to remove the headlight from car before you do anything.
I tried to remove the front plastic lens from my spare light, but it is glued so strongly so even with heating the glue and trying to pry it open there was no way without damaging the black plastic parts. Maybe in some specialized workshop it might be possible (must be), but at home I doubt it will work. The Thor hammer section is connected with clips to the front glass on the side so that makes it even more difficult. All I can say that so far my light now ooerates as it should and it has been now for 4 or 5 months so something did change inside but I still dont really know if it was due to the wire touching or actually the airflow between the modules that made a difference. I would still like to know which stone in the modules are measuring the temperature as I cant seem to find such element.

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