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Offline Work - Load and compare configs
Hi @Power6,
I've been thinking about a useful addition to the software. I often find myself needing to identify the changes I made to the configuration items compared to the original OEM settings. Unfortunately, I can't do this without the .TXT versions of both files to utilize an external compare tool.

The problem arises when I only have the .orb file and don't have access to the actual car. In such cases, I can't load one file and perform a comparison with the other.

It would be really helpful if we could at least generate a difference file in such situations.

Do you think it's possible to implement this functionality? It could be a game-changer for managing configurations more effectively. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this!
I got you. I think I understand the scenario there.

My thoughts...probably I don't want to spend time building in a lot of file manipulation tools as those already exist way beyond what OrBit will ever do, i.e. Beyond Compare or Notepad++ for example. Now the reason why the saved settings file is "orb" is because I wanted to preserve a file format that was not likely to generate problems or errors on loading. I could have made it text file, at the time I didn't want people to edit it, change the format, add illegal characters etc. I can probably deal with adding the error handling at this point, if I changed it to a readable text file, like the new "presets" settings file is.

I will think about it, I am thinking if you had two readable text files instead of the "orb" format, you could easily use any software of your choice to compare them, right?
(08-03-2023, 04:14 PM)Power6 Wrote: I am thinking if you had two readable text files instead of the "orb" format, you could easily use any software of your choice to compare them, right?

Since when I started to use Orbit I've been missing this feature too, so I had to develop my own tool to compare .orb files. It is really basic and simple, and probably has bugs, but it does what I need. You could give it a try and see if it works for you:

Any feedback is welcome.
Why not provide an “Export” (as text) option, but with no Import option. So users could load and export any number of saved .orb files to do their own file comparisons with existing external tools, with no risk to Orbit of users screwing up that format.
(10-13-2023, 07:44 AM)Hot Toddy Wrote: Why not provide an “Export” (as text) option, but with no Import option. So users could load and export any number of saved .orb files to do their own file comparisons with existing external tools, with no risk to Orbit of users screwing up that format.
It was already asked but there are still a lot of things to do before.
I scraped the whole list to get all the options in excel, but have not updated since.

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk

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