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Where/how is the OEM configuration stored?
If the dealer changes a stored setting in VIDA, will the new base configuration be used for the Orbit revert to OEM function? I don’t know yet if they can or will do this, but I’m going to see if my dealer will remove the factory Polestar tune from my Polestar Engineered car. I’ve already tried changing 374 to “Without Polestar” and that didn’t work. Thanks!
(03-15-2024, 12:25 AM)STWAGguy Wrote: If the dealer changes a stored setting in VIDA, will the new base configuration be used for the Orbit revert to OEM function? I don’t know yet if they can or will do this, but I’m going to see if my dealer will remove the factory Polestar tune from my Polestar Engineered car. I’ve already tried changing 374 to “Without Polestar” and that didn’t work. Thanks!

I guess I missed this one a while ago. The short answer is don't worry OrBit handles things. 

The slightly longer answer: If something is changed on the car "officially" such as install or uninstall an accessory, the build equipment of the car is changed. That is done in a different place than OrBit makes config changes. Restore to OEM will reflect the correct config of the car, it always does. The only thing you need to be careful with is if you "load settings" to restore your modified configs after a dealer visit. You will see any configs that are affected by the changes made at the dealer. You'll just want to look for those rather than blindly accept the settings and write the config to the car. If you make any config changes manually there is no effect.

I'm struggling to figure out why one would remove the Polestar Engineered software, and if that is possible on a PE model, but anyways that install is more than just "config" there is ECM/TCM/DEM software depending on the drivetrain, a remove in VIDA would flash the appropriate "non-Polestar" software to the car.
Thanks for the clarification Andrew. My rationale for the SW change is that I do a lot of mixed highway driving and I’d like to be able to use Polestar mode for that (full power available, tachometer display, doesn’t favor full electric like hybrid mode), but the Polestar shift points are too high to make it practical. I tried a regular S60 T8 and Power mode is much better in that regard. The car has so much low end torque with the electric assist that short shifts aren’t an issue. 

Apparently it’s a moot point anyway as Volvo won’t do it. They tell me it’s because there are physical engine differences that prevent it. Sounds like BS to me but that’s what the regional tech rep says.

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